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Winter is coming

Admin      June 11, 2017

Summertime is the best time to prepare yourself for winter. Despite the climate is mild due to locality of United Kingdom, you will certainly need to heat your home during the cold months to be in pleasant temperature. As Noe had started to build his arch before it started to rain, so should you do the arrangements in advance. It will save you from lot of stress when the times comes.

It is mostly rain and temperatures around zero degrees when it comes to winter months to be worry about. There is snow in some areas too, but it is not an enemy because it helps to create buffer between the building and what is outside. If there is persisting snow cover while still freezing, icicles from the roof will indicate leak of the heat. What happens is that heat from building melts the snow which freezes again when leaving the roof. Ideally there should not be any.

Preparation for winter starts by checking of door and window conditions. Windows should consist at least of two layers of glass (ideally three), as it creates air capsule. Air as a gas is very good insulate which prevents your home from heat loses. There should not be any spaces between the frame of window and glasses and also between the frame and a wall.

There should not be any space between the door frame, walls and door frame and floor (sill) either. If there is, get new sill or buy isolation stripe and paste it on the doors or sill (or both). In simple words make sure to fill in the gaps.

In some bathrooms, there is no window, but a vent that turns on with the light. As the vent is usually situated higher, it creates ideal opportunity for heat leak as hot air is lighter than cold one and therefore it rises up where it leaves the building. There are two basic options on how to fix this. One - to cover the vent and prevent air move. Two - put window instead of the vent and control it fully plus you will have natural light in bathroom, which is always better than artificial. 

Another way on how to keep your house nice and warm is right way of air ventilation. During the wither, the ventilation should be done 2-3 times a day in short 5-10 minute periods. Opening of all windows fully will allow circulation and exchange of the air. During those 5 minutes the air changes and the heat accumulated in the walls, floor and furniture will warm the fresh air almost instantly. There is a massive leak of energy if the window is opened permanently with just a little space. 

The last but not least way how to save for energies is undoubtedly proper isolation of facade and roof.


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