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Looking for a New Home - Consider These Sustainability Features to Minimize the Energy Consumption

Admin      February 12, 2018

Moving to a new home is very exciting and becomes complicated if not done in a planned way. There is an outwardly endless list that should be taken in to key consideration to make the process smoother. Finding a new home depends upon various factors like deciding budget range, location, space etc. Another important aspect that requires deep thought is sustainability features.

With various hot topics like global warming, climate change prevailing these days, homeowners have now started to think about the means of green living. A sustainable home is always a good option not only in terms of protecting the environment but also helps in saving a considerable amount of money in the long run.

Following the important points of this checklist will help you find the best property and will assist you in evaluating how sustainable the property is    
  • Proper orientation of the house - Have a look at the orientation of the house. Focus on choosing the one that gets maximun sunlights and heats in the cooler months of the year.    
  • Look for smaller size home - Choosing a smaller size house is best to reduce energy consumption. It is better to think well about your space requirements and not to go for the oversized  house.
  • Should have proper windows and doors  Windows and doors holds utmost importance when it comes to energy efficiency. The quality of them has a sound impact on the heat conservation.
  •  Should have perfect air sealing and insulation - Check out that the house has proper air sealing so that the conditioned air is not leaked out of the roofs and walls.


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