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How to Find Your Perfect Student Accommodation in the UK

Admin      August 02, 2017

The student's days are the right time to study, groom and enjoy. But unfortunately, you are likely to be without that much of cash to spend on accommodation. Still, you need the essential amenities, security, facilities and overall a homely feeling.

One way of finding suitable accommodation for students in London is to depend on an estate agent, but there are a couple of other ways to land you in the right accommodation to suit your budget and mood perfectly. Yes, you can find the one cut out for you without estate agents for sure. And there is all the enjoyment concentration and fulfilment to you wide open.

The initial experience you have as a student living in London shall be the forerunner for years to come as a student there. Hence you have to weigh every detail carefully before finally settling down on the perfect accommodation for you in London as a student.

  • Homestay - Nothing like a home stay in London in case you can find one, as a student possibly straight out of the home, you are bound to be gripped by the homesickness, a home stay would wipe of this dreaded feeling.   
  • Dormitory - Dorms are comparatively cheaper, but you have to be comfortable with staying in a   cramped room with bunker beds. But the advantage is that you are one among the student   community.
  • Rented apartments, shared accommodation and hostels are other options. 


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