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Basic Facts to Know While Renting a Flat from Private Landlords

Admin      January 16, 2018

With private renting becoming one of the main forms of accommodation in the UK, anyone thinking about joining the rent brigade should know some basic facts about renting flats from a private landlord. As a tenant, the major stress that you will encounter is likely being from your landlord, so it's always better to maintain a professional and respectable relationship at all times. They may, however, try to push their boundaries from time to time during the lettings, and this is where you need to know your stuff and stand your ground.

Before renting flats from a private landlord you need to think about your rights, and ensure that your landlord has a tenancy agreement for the certain rent period. This needs to be signed as a matter of urgency and should be your number one priority. The agreement will include most of the responsibilities that both you and your landlord have to follow property during the time of the rent and can be used to settle any potential disputes that may arise later in the letting. In the case with any lettings of flats, the landlord is liable to fix any essential repairs need; for example, anything to do with the heating, electrics, gas or structural issues. In your agreement it will say if you as the tenant have to repair any element of the property or the owner must fix it.  

Another key issue can be when private landlords require access to the flats and how they go about it. Except in emergency situations, a tenant should be given at least 24 hours? notice prior before the landlord can access the property. As landlords are liable for any repairs to the property, they must be allowed regular access in order to check the state of the flat and ensure that their tenants are keeping it in an acceptable state, as this falls into part of the tenant's responsibility of the agreement. The landlord also has to, by law place the deposit in a tenancy deposit protection scheme for any AST. This ensures that the deposit is kept in a secure place and in case any adverse situation arise that it needs the deposit back, tenant get it back straight away providing that all responsibilities have been met, such as paying your rent on time each month.  


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